Friday, October 14, 2011

suck it

Crawdad Festival, Ozark. Alabama. 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I was going to go check the mail.
I found this on the chair that sits to the left on the front porch of this house.
It is a package of great magic
and to be honest I am not sure how to explain how it makes me feel.
The sun feels warmer and brighter, my focus has increased.
I am wondering what the weather is like thousands of miles away
and what the birds sound like at night in places I have never been.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the Mambo Diva: People often ask me things.

the Mambo Diva: People often ask me things.: "People often ask me how to buy the things that I make. I am learning. It is a process like most things are. I will be listing the thi..."

People often ask me things.

People often ask me how to buy the things that I make. I am learning. It is a process like
most things are. I will be listing the things that make for purchase here on this Blogger
account. I could have gone with Etsy, it is just not my style.

I hope to have things up and running by the end of the week. I am sure I will mention it all
over the place,

Here is a preview of the types of things I will sell:

I imagine that there will be other types of things for sale as well. I make all kinds of things.

Peace out,